WP9: Augmented Engineering

Descartes Builder

Team members

Lead PIs: 

Senior Advisor: Yew-Soon Ong (NTU)


Most of the researchers in WP8:


Energy demonstrator: Noureddine HADJSAID  (Grenoble INP) & Edouard (EDF-SGP)

Smart Sensing Demonstrator: A. Ammar & J.F. Atge (CETIM-MATCOR)

UTM demonstrator (Thales, ESI & Aria): F. Chinesta, F. Barbaresco & Gan Yung Sze (Thales)




Daniel Delhaye (ENAC)

Sameer Alam (NTU)

Low Kin Huat (NTU)

All the tasks of WP9 will be led by a pair of researchers, one from academia and the other from industry, except T9.3 on valorisation, led by 2 researchers.
4 full time Research Associates and 2 full time Lab Assistant over the 5 years of the program will be in charge of the model-based software engineering (MBSE), that is, concretising the different modules from DesCartes WP1-8, and integrating them in the Builder. They will also be in charge of the integration in the Builder of the demonstrator architectures and their physics modules. ESI Group engineers will open-source the preliminary workflows, developed in Chinesta’s Industrial chair, as an integrative platform for the Builder.


WP9 aims at integrating into a flexible and agile “Builder” the techniques and modules developed in WP8, itself based on fundamental research developed in the Intelligent Computing WPs (WP1-WP3), as well as research encompassing the human and society dimensions (WP4 to WP7). The Builder will tackle dynamic data-driven applications systems, in a flexible and agile way, following a model-based system engineering methodology: the models for each component are inserted in a larger system (the system of systems).

Finally, WP9 will define the UseCase(s), in close collaboration with the NRF and the Singapore Agencies, aligned with the DesCartes ambition and with the Singapore smartnation initiative, to definitively contribute to it in a very particular technological and societal domain. 

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This research is supported by the National Research Foundation, Prime Minister’s Office, Singapore under its Campus for Research Excellence and Technological Enterprise (CREATE) programme.

CREATE is an international collaboratory housing research centres set up by top universities. At CREATE, researchers from diverse disciplines and backgrounds work closely together to perform cutting-edge research in strategic areas of interest, for translation into practical applications leading to positive economic and societal outcomes for Singapore. The interdisciplinary research centres at CREATE focus on four areas of interdisciplinary thematic areas of research, namely human systems, energy systems, environmental systems and urban systems. More information on the CREATE programme can be obtained from www.create.edu.sg.

Visit the CNRS website here.