Publications WP5

List of publications – WP5

[WP5D. Ong, J. Su, B. Chen, A. T. Luu, A. Narendranath, Y. Li, S. Sun, Y. Lin and H.Wang (2022). Is Discourse Role Important for Emotion Recognition in Conversation? AAAI 2022.

[WP5T. Aksu, Z. Liu, M. Y. Kan, N. F. Chen (2022).. N-Shot Learning for Augmenting Task-Oriented Dialogue State Tracking. ACL Findings 2022

[WP5M. Ravaut, N. F. Chen, S. Joty. (2022). SummaReranker: A Multi-Task Mixture-of-Experts Re-ranking Framework for Abstractive Summarization. ACL 2022

[WP5E. Lorenti, N. Bourgon, F. Benamara, A. Mari, V. Moriceau, and C. Courgon (2022). Give me your Intentions, I’ll Predict your Actions: A Two-level Classification of Speech Acts for Crisis Management in Social Media. Language Resources and Evaluation Conference. (LREC), 2022

[WP5N. Bourgon, F. Benamara, A. Mari, V. Moriceau, G. Chevalier, and L. Leygue (2022). Are Sudden Crises Making me Collapse? Measuring Transfer Learning Performances on Urgency Detection. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (Work in progress paper), ISCRAM 2022

[WP5E. Lorenti, N. Bourgon, F. Benamara, A. Mari, V. Moriceau, and C. Courgon. Speech acts and Communicative Intentions for Urgency Detection. In Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM 2022), in conjunction with NAACL 2022.

[WP5D. Sileo, P. Muller, T. van de Cruys. A Pragmatics-Centered Evaluation Framework for Natural Language Understanding (2022). Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2022).

[WP1-WP5] N. Asher, J. Hunter, ’When learning becomes impossible’. (2022). ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (ACM FAccT).
[WP1-WP5] X. Huang, Y. Izza, A. Ignatiev, M. Cooper, N. Asher, J. Marques- Silva, Tractable Explanations for d-DNNF Classifier, AAAI 2022.