Please find below our news and current job offers for WP1 

Research Fellow in Machine Learning and or Formal Methods

Research Fellow in Machine Learning and or Formal Methods

Job offer posted on 01 November 2023 DesCartes Program (Work Package 1) is looking for a Research Fellow in Machine Learning and or Formal Methods to develop explanability engines for AI systems, e.g. by generating meaningful explanations which can be adapted to suit...

Research Associate (DesCartes – WP1)

Research Associate (DesCartes – WP1)

Job offer posted on 25 november 2022DESCARTES PROGRAMThe DesCartes programme is developing a hybrid AI, combining Learning, Knowledge and Reasoning, which has good properties (need for less resources and data, security, robustness, fairness, respect for privacy,...

Research Fellow in Formal Methods

Research Fellow in Formal Methods

Job offer posted on 6 July 2022 DesCartes Program (Work Package 1) is looking for a Research Fellow in Formal Methods to improve trust of AI systems, e.g. by generating input data to improve the learning process, or by analysing and repairing the AI system. The...

Research Associate (DesCartes – WP1)

Research Associate (DesCartes – WP1)

Job offer posted on 25 march 2022DESCARTES PROGRAMThe DesCartes programme is developing a hybrid AI, combining Learning, Knowledge and Reasoning, which has good properties (need for less resources and data, security, robustness, fairness, respect for privacy, ethics),...

Research Fellow (DesCartes – WP1)

Research Fellow (DesCartes – WP1)

Job offer posted on 11 march 2022DESCARTES PROGRAMThe DesCartes programme is developing a hybrid AI, combining Learning, Knowledge and Reasoning, which has good properties (need for less resources and data, security, robustness, fairness, respect for privacy, ethics),...

Asst Prof Kuldeep Meel receives Amazon Research Award

Asst Prof Kuldeep Meel receives Amazon Research Award

NUS Presidential Young Professor Kuldeep Meel and his research collaborators, Dr Mate Soos and Nicholas Prevot have won the Spring 2021 Amazon Research Award for their project titled ‘GPU-Enabled Parallel SAT Solving’, which focuses on enabling scalability of parallel...