[ARTICLE] Official Launch of the Descartes Program

Official Launch DesCartes

On 26 January 2022, the CNRS@CREATE Descartes Program was officially launched in CREATE Tower, with many prestigious guests attending the ceremony. Here is a throwback on this memorable official launching of the CNRS@CREATE #DescartesProgram.

26 Jan 2022: Official Launch of the #DescartesProgram

On the picture above, from left to right: Professor Tan Eng Chye, President of NUS, Professor Subra Suresh, President of NTU, Doctor Jean-Yves Marzin, Director of CNRS INSIS, Professor Paco Chinesta, Director of DesCartes Program, Professor Dominique Baillargeat, Scientific Executive Director of CNRS@CREATE, Prof Andy Hor, Deputy Chief Executive (Research) of A*STAR, Antoine Petit, Chairman and CEO of CNRS, HE Mr Marc Abensour, Ambassador of France to Singapore
